Your privacy is of great importance to Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. As a user of this web site at: (the "Site"), you are valued by Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. and we will take appropriate measures to protect the information provided by and collected from you on the Site in connection with the functions, facilities and services offered on the Site.

What Information Does Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. Collect?

We gather information so that we can improve and personalize your experience with Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. Information that we collect falls into the categories listed below:

  • Information that Users Give Us:We receive and store the information that you enter at the Site or give to us in any other way. When you choose to provide information, we will use it for purposes that include: fulfilling your orders, responding to your inquiries or requests, customizing our Site for you, improving our Site and communicating with you.
  • Automatic Information:Whenever you interact with Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc., we receive and store certain types of information. For example, we use "cookies" to obtain information when your web browser accesses this Site. A cookie is an alphanumeric identifier, which we transfer to your computer via your Web browser and store on your computer's hard drive. The cookie file allows us to recognize your computer when you visit the Site. On most web browsers you will find a "help" section on the toolbar. Please refer to this section for information on how to receive notification when you are receiving a new cookie, and how to turn cookies off. We recommend that you leave cookies turned on because they will enable you to take advantage of some of the Site's features.

Does Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. Share the Information It Receives?

We are not in the business of selling our user's information. There are, however, certain limited circumstances in which we may share such information with certain third parties, as set forth below:

  • Agents & Strategic Transportation Partners: Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc., like many companies, hires other companies to perform certain functions. Examples include processing payments and removing duplicate information from our customer lists. When we employ another company to perform a function of this nature, we only provide them with the information they need to complete the task and they are not allowed to use that information for any other purpose. Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. may also share with its Strategic Partners the names of those users downloading our rating modules.
  • Promotional Notices: On very rare occasions we may contact our users about a product or service provided by another business. If we contact you in this way, it will only be to provide you with information about a business that we think you will like. If we do this, the only communication you receive will be from us and we will not give business information about you, such as your name, postal or email address.
  • Business Transfers: As we develop our business, we might sell or buy businesses, stores or assets. In transactions such as these, user information is generally one of the transferred business assets. Moreover, in the unlikely event that Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. or one of its business lines are acquired, user information may be one of the transferred assets.
  • Protection of Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. and Others: We may release account and other personal information when we believe that such release is appropriate to comply with law; protect the rights of, property or safety of our users, Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. or others; or enforce our Terms of Use and other agreements. In addition, we may exchange information with other organizations for fraud protection and credit risk reduction.

How Secure Is Information About Me?

Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. takes reasonable security measures to protect the information of our users.

Access to Information About You

If you desire to review your own personal information, to correct existing information, or to request a deletion of your information, please contact Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. via email at: Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. reserves the right to maintain your personal information if Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. has suspended, limited, or terminated your access to the Site for violating the Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. Terms Of Use.

What Choices Do I Have?

As outlined in this Privacy Policy, you can always choose not to provide information, however, doing so may prevent you from accessing certain features at the Site.

Links to Third Party Sites

You may be able to access third party websites through links available on this Site. You understand and agree that your use of such third party sites will be governed by the privacy policies of those sites and not by this Privacy Policy. Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. shall not be responsible for the actions of the operators of such third party websites.


Any submissions that you make to any public areas of the Site such as bulletin boards ("Public Areas") will be public and will not be subject to this Privacy Policy. Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. does not control, and is not responsible for, the actions of other users of the Site with respect to any information you post in Public Areas. In addition, information that you submit to Public Areas may be collected and used by others to send you unsolicited messages and for other purposes.


The Site is not intended for children. Forbes-Hewlett Transport Inc. does not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 18. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children's Internet usage and to help enforce our Privacy Policy by instructing their children to never provide information on this Site without their permission.

Terms of Use, Notices, and Revisions

If you choose to visit the Site, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Privacy Policy and our Terms Of Use Agreement, including limitations on damages and application of the law of the province of Ontario. If you have a concern about privacy at the Site, please send an email with a detailed description of your concern to and we will try to resolve it. Our business and this Site may be subject to periodic changes. The Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy may change also. Our use of the personal Information that we receive and store is subject to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use in effect at the time of our use of such personal information. If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post the revised Privacy Policy on this Site.